Selling Price: $275,000.00.
Triple net Lease option: $3,000.00 a month.
Lease with option to buy available.
Land contract available.
Price: | $$275,000 |
Address: | 1902 S DORT HWY |
City: | Flint |
State: | Michigan |
Zip Code: | 48503 |
Subdivision: | REED SUB |
MLS: | 2220030303 |
Year Built: | 1972 |
Square Feet: | 5,600 |
Acres: | 0.430 |
Lot Square Feet: | 0.430 acres |
buildingAreaSource: | Public Records |
constructionMaterials: | Brick, Vinyl, Wood |
currentUse: | Mechanic Shop |
depositAmount: | 125000 |
encroachmentYN: | no |
foundationDetails: | Slab |
frontageFeet: | 10 |
grossScheduledIncome: | 1 |
heating: | Other |
heatingFuel: | Electric, Natural Gas |
inventoryIncludedYN: | no |
landContractYN: | yes |
landInterestRate: | 12 |
landPayment: | 1 |
landTerms: | 1 |
listingFinancing: | Cash, Contract, Conventional, Lease With Option, Triple Net Lease |
lotSizeDimensions: | 100.00X187.00 |
mls: | Realcomp II Ltd |
mlsAreaMajor: | Flint |
mlsAreaMajorNumber: | 08182 |
monthlySales: | 1 |
netOperatingIncome: | 1 |
operatingExpense: | 1 |
ownershipStatus: | Short Sale - No, Private Owned |
possession: | At Close |
postalCity: | Flint |
roadFrontageType: | Paved, Pub. Sidewalk |
schoolDistrict: | Flint |
settlement: | City |
sewer: | Sewer at Street, Storm Drain |
shortSale: | no |
sqftMain: | 18687 |
sqftOffice: | 1000 |
stateEqualizedValue: | 142000 |
taxableValue: | 142000 |
title: | Standard (Private) |
totalTax: | 10374 |
waterSource: | Public (Municipal) |
waterfrontYN: | no |
yearRemodeled: | 2022 |
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