10391 W JEFFERSON Avenue
Great opportunity to operate & own your own business & property. This incredible store with great sales, shorter hours & a fully equipped restaurant that is not currently operating. Can operate for some great sales! Seller is motivated & time to get out of the business.
Price: | $$549,900 |
Address: | 10391 W JEFFERSON Avenue |
City: | River Rouge |
State: | Michigan |
Zip Code: | 48218 |
Subdivision: | ASSR'S RIVER ROUGE PLAT NO 1 |
MLS: | 2220028775 |
Year Built: | 1968 |
Square Feet: | 1,610 |
Acres: | 0.090 |
Lot Square Feet: | 0.090 acres |
buildingAreaSource: | Assessor |
buyerAgencyCompensation: | 2.5 |
buyerAgencyYN: | 1 |
cdom: | 103 |
constructionMaterials: | Block/Concrete/Masonry |
currentUse: | Liquor store |
dom: | 103 |
encroachmentYN: | no |
foundationDetails: | Basement |
frontageFeet: | 90 |
heating: | Central Air |
heatingFuel: | Natural Gas |
interstateYN: | no |
inventoryIncludedYN: | no |
landContractYN: | no |
listingFinancing: | Cash, Conventional |
lotSizeDimensions: | 36.00X110.00 |
mls: | Realcomp II Ltd |
mlsAreaMajor: | River Rouge |
mlsAreaMajorNumber: | 05144 |
monthlySales: | 90000 |
ownershipStatus: | Short Sale - No, Private Owned |
possession: | At Close |
postalCity: | River Rouge |
roadFrontageType: | Pub. Sidewalk |
schoolDistrict: | River Rouge |
settlement: | City |
sewer: | Public Sewer (Sewer-Sanitary) |
shortSale: | no |
sqftMain: | 1610 |
stateEqualizedValue: | 20100 |
taxableValue: | 19321 |
title: | Standard (Private) |
totalTax: | 1941 |
transactionCoordinator: | 1 |
transactionCoordinatorCompensation: | 1 |
transactionType: | Sale |
waterSource: | Water at Street |
waterfrontYN: | no |
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